cant clean inside glass of door because of metel screen

Asked by gmosher on 03/27/2010 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
3 where is replies
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0 Ok, can someone respond with an answer...there is nothing in the manual.
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0 Some ovens have small vents along the bottom or top of the door. These vents go in between the glass (and are likely part of the problem with other materials getting in there as well). By inserting a towel on a long-handled stick, you can gently clean between the glass without disassembling the door.First, find the vents on the door if you have them. Some companies include this disassembly of the door in the warranty, so it will not have to be paid for out of pocket. If the glass can’t be cleaned, it can always be covered up with a decorative dish towel. If normal glass cleaner does not remove the debris, try the cleaning products designed for glass stove tops. They’re stronger than glass cleaner and designed to remove food debris. Greets! Pimlico Cleaners Ltd.
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