I would like to turn off the alarm that sounds each time when the dishwasher has completed its cycle- please advise how to do this

Asked by mary farquhar on 11/15/2010 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 1 month ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
6 I just called Miele Support, super helpful. We have a Miele Dishwasher G2472SCVi too, and the constant 'finished' beeping was maddening. They gave me these instructions: turn off unit. hold the Program button turn on the unit while holding the program button release the program button when the Rinse and Hold button comes on. then, hit the Tab button 4 times the display will flash P 1 hit the program button again, and the display will flash P 0 The 'finished' beeping is now turned off. The red light will flash now when done. Those instructions were from memory...i think i got it right. Good luck.
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5 We had this problem. Our model is G4170vi. Solution is in the manual and does work: - switch dishwasher off - press the programme select option and, while holding it down switch the machine back on. Keep the programme select and power buttons down until the bottom right indicator light comes on - press program select four times. The inlet/drain light should now be flashing - hold the programme select button down again until the inlet/drain indicator stays on continuously - let the programme select button go and the press it again once quickly - this should toggle the buzzer activation to off - turn off the dishwasher.
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1 Did u get any answer from anybody? I have the same problem and can't find a way to turn this signal off.
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0 My dish washer has no display. how to put off the buzzer?
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