How do you clean the unit when red light is flashing?

Asked by bill on 03/11/2012 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 12 years, 10 months ago

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5 Sounds like you did the same thing I did, not waiting long enough for the clean cycle to finish. When it beeps, it is NOT done cleaning. The manual states that you add the cleaning solution and press the clean button. It will slow brew three cups slowly (then beep), then sit for 30 minutes, at which time it will brew the remainder of the solution then turn off. Good luck!
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5 Also, for future reference, if you lost the manual the Mr. Coffee website has PDF downloads of all their manuals.
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5 Place the empty decanter back in the unit and press clean button until the red clean indicator light turns on. The entire cycle will last 45-60. During the cleaning your coffeemaker will: a. slow brew approx. 3 cups of cleaning solution b. pause for 30 min. c. after 30 min. your coffeemaker will brew the remainder of the cleaning solution. d. when complete, the clean light will turn off and your coffee maker will turn off.
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4 I found this because I didn't know what to do either but luckily I found my manual and thought I would share the instructions with whoever needs it. My manual says that you can buy mr. coffee cleaner or use 4 cups or 20 fl. oz of undiluted white household vinegar as a substitute for the cleaner. Pour your mixture into the water reservoir(the back of the coffee maker obviously) Remove the water filter. Place an empty 10-12 cup paper filter into the basket and close the lid.
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3 Discard the cleaning solution and rinse the decater throughly with clean water. Fill the reservoir with clean fresh water. Place the empty decanter back on the coffeemaker. Remove and discard the paper filter. Begin brewing and allow the full brew cycle to complete. Repeat the rinse cyle once more and now your coffee maker is ready to brew some coffee. Hope this helps someone!
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0 Need as well. I know, instructions on cleaning? Who would need that? ...well, to get the light to turn off? Does it mean to change the water filter? Etc?
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