there doesn't seem to be an obstruction in the steam tube but i guess there could be. i ran it nonstop for a couple of minutes after trying to foam the milk & can't tell if the pressure is too low or not. any ideas? a friend suggested vinegar but i'm reluctant to put anything in it until i know whether it will be ruined, can't afford a new one! thanks.

Asked by barb on 12/25/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 11 months ago

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5 You need to have plenty of water in the thing to make it steam. If there's no water there's no pressure, and if there's no pressure, there's nothing coming out of the steam wand, and if there's nothing coming out of the steam wand there's no foam. If you're making 1 cup of coffee, and enough water for two cups. When you get as much coffee as you want, turn the setting to steam and then steam your milk. I haven't had any problems making my milk frothy and this is what I do.
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