Hi, Can someone please assist me in explaining how I can replace the light globe in the Microwave oven as there is no instructions for this in the manual?

Asked by Aneke on 11/03/2008 17  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Where is the answer to the question..., I have the same problem. How do I replace the light bulb in the omega OA138X microwave oven
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0 Where do I buy a new light globe to fit a OA138X omega microwave
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0 Our omega microwave light has blown and not even 18 months old. Where do we get a globe as we live on the mid north coast and how do you put it in?
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-1 So, how do you replace the light bulb. Not even 2 years old and bulb has blown already. Omega OA138X
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-1 Can someone Please tell us how to replace light globe in a Omega OA138X Microwave...This seems to be a definite flaw in an otherwise good Microwave...
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