How do I hard boil eggs

Asked by barbie on 04/04/2010 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 8 months ago

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4 Add 2 cups of water to the base unit. Place LOWER STEAMER BOWL in on base unit (with the heat element sleeve in place beneath it: NEVER use without the sleeve in place). Put up to 8 eggs in the LOWER steamer bowl. Put aside the upper steamer bowl and rice bowl. Place lid on top. Turn on and set timer for 15-18 minutes. For soft cooked eggs set timer for 12-15 minutes. [I got this from the manual for the 5712 model]
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0  Immediately place in ice water bath for 20 minutes. Plus a small crack on the bottom of the larger side of the egg and peel. Eggs will stay fresh in fridge for one week!
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