I was given the above convection oven as a 50th Birthday present, but no manual was available in the box. I am excited about using this oven and would love a manual to be sent to me. Please help me.

Asked by Marcia on 07/22/2009 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 My oven has been working fine for a year, but now when I use it i relise that the light is not as bright as it use to be, is there somthing wrong ?
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5 Hi i am having trouble with my convection oven, i got it as a present for chritmas and the fan doesn't seem to be working. Can someone please help!
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4 Yes, it should - just like the element in any other oven. It is controlled by a thermostat & must switch on & off to attempt to maintain a constant temperature. If you wanted to do the experiment, put some water in it, cook at max temp & note cycling of light. Then wind temp. down & repeat. You'll notice "light" (halogen heating element) spends a greater proportion of time ON, the higher the temperature set... Bog standard for anything with a thermostat, just more visible in one of these...
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4 Hi I am aslo having the same problem. Surely it can't be right. Am using it right now and the light goes off about every 30 seconds and then comes back on. when the light goes off I'm assuming it;s stopped cooing. Can anyone help?? Ta
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1 I have a manual. It says nothing about the light going on and off when cooking. Should it go out at all?
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0 is the light supposed to go on and off
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