I talked with a technician 2 days ago. she tried to find the panasonic bread maker manual sdbt56p She gave me an 800 number to call and the paper was thrown away. Can you give me the 800 number so I can talk to someone about getting a manual?

Asked by Terri on 04/21/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 8 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 We have it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Panasonic-Bread-Machine-Manual-SDBT2P-SDBT51P-SDBT56P-SDBT6P-SDRD250-SDYD15-/171733806163
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Attention automatic bread maker owners: We are Breadmaker Part Store, offering new and used replacement spare parts, free instruction manuals, and free custom recipe cookbooks since 2002. No purchase necessary. Regarding parts, we offer the lowest prices in the industry selling on over 5 venues online delivered promptly to any destination in the world. Contact us today for free assistance. Breadmaker Part Store | Findlay Ohio | Flag City USA | Telephone: U.S +1 567-429-1938 | Email: BREADMAKERPARTSTORE1@GMAIL.COM | Websites: http://www.everyplaceisell.com/cgi-bin/ep/ep.pl?seller&761&XwyLaGwLXG

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