My soup maker wont work. When you select the optio needed the bottom 2 lights stay on and machine omits high bleeping

Asked by katrina on 01/03/2015 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 11 months ago

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4 Hi I Had the same problem with mine. You have to fit the lid on with the steam vent towards the spout. loose fit not locket. Great soup maker. Hope this helps.
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3 I had the same problem, but it was solved using the comment above. You just have to close the lid with steam vent towards thes spout. Cheers for the tip.
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0 Same problem
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0 within the lid there is a small metal cube [a magnet] that sits in a square housing on the opposite side to the spout .... this dropped out into the jug while blending. When the lid is in the correct position this little magnet activates the proximity switch in the top of the handle and allows the motor to switch on. Shove it back in and the blender will work
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