Hello, My 601F temp display reads -20. when i restet it to 00 which is where i usually keep it, it goes right back to -20 once i shut the door. the lowest possible setting for it is -5, so how could it go to -20? Please help. Thanks!

Asked by steve on 07/24/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I have the same problem, but with -22 I was told to replace the control board. $185.60 on repairclinic.com. Before I do this, did you have any luck fixing?
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0 Mine is doing the same thing. The display is showing C rather than F. (A temp of -20C = 4F) Temp range for these units is -5 to +5F. In addition, mine is making a tremendous "suction" sound about 10 seconds after it closes, and it is VERY hard to open for a good couple of minutes after it is closed. It has always been hard to open for about 30 seconds after closing, but it seems that "hard to open" time is a lot longer now.
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