I have a bread maker that I got from QVC.com their brand is cook's essentials by Kithenwares. I'm hoping this is your products. I'm looking for manual and instruction on cooking of the bread I've misplaced mine... this is the infor; on the bottem of the michine is EGS. LLC 2.5 Lb bread maker, model # EGEBM25A 120v 60 hz, 800 watts. I hope you can help me or turn me in the right direction. Thank you

Asked by on 10/06/2013 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Need a FREE user guide? Email us at BreadMakerPartStore1@gmail.com Need FREE help? Email us at BreadMakerPartStore1@gmail.com Need spare parts? Email us at BreadMakerPartStore1@gmail.com Or visit http://us.ebid.net/users/BreadmakerParts We ship to any destination in the world. Oh, and don’t bother leaving a post on this page. Their email notification service hasn't worked for years.
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