F4 e87 error code when turning on Wolf Convection Steam Oven - Convection Only mode. Sounded like fan was stuck and just clicking

Asked by Alan on 02/08/2015 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 10 months ago

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1 F4/e87 is slider valve fault it is a part on top centre of the steam oven when you take the top panel off then you have to rotate the fan assy to the side and then you will be able to see that slider and there will be some greasy moisture under the slider clean and and you are good to go
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0 Hi - we are having the exact same problem with ours. Have you reached any resolution?
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0 Cleaned it, the motor woks but the error is still there :(
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0 Cleaned it, the motor woks but the error is still there :(
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0 Ugg.  Just got this error too.  Did you have to remove the oven in order to access the fan assy?  I am hoping this is not a circuit board issue, so will clean it first.
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0 Ugg.  Just got this error too.  Did you have to remove the oven in order to access the fan assy?  I am hoping this is not a circuit board issue, so will clean it first.
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