If the burner is in the
below state:
Pushing the reset button will:
Button Click
(press < 1 second)
Button Hold
(press > 1 second)
Button Hold
(press 15+ seconds)
Lockout Reset from Soft Lockout
Reset from Restricted
(Hard) Lockout
Valve-on Delay, Trial for
Ignition, Ignition Carryover
Go to Pump Prime (see
“Priming the Pump” above)
Disable the Burner:
Any time the burner is
running, press and hold
the reset button to disable
the burner. The burner will
remain off as long as the
button is held.
Enables Pump Priming:
After the reset button has
been held for 15 seconds,
the button can then be
clicked during the next
ignition sequence to enter
Pump Prime mode.
Run (igniter is shut off) No action
Motor-Off Delay,
No action
Pump Prime No action Exit Pump Prime mode and return to Standby
Table 2 - Reset Button Operation
Light Color On Continuously Flashing
Red Restricted (Hard) Lockout Soft Lockout
Green Flame Sensed during normal operation (Could be stray
light during standby)
Yellow Control is in Pump Prime mode or
Reset button currently held for 15+ seconds.
Table 3 - Status Lights
Initiate a call for heat.
After the burner starts, press and
hold the reset button for 15 seconds
until the yellow light turns on. This
indicates that the button has been
held long enough.
Release the reset button. The yellow
light will turn off and the burner will
start up again.
At burner start up, click the reset
button while the igniter is still on.
This will transition the control to a
dedicated Pump Prime mode, during
which the motor, igniter, and valve
are powered for four minutes. The
yellow light will be on.
Bleed the pump until all froth and
bubbles are purged. If desired,
terminate the call for heat or hold the
reset button for at least one second
to exit Pump Prime mode and return
to Standby.
At the end of 4 minutes, the yellow
light will turn off and the control will
Do not allow oil to spray into a hot
combustion chamber while bleeding air from
the pump.
Install a gauge in the nozzle discharge port
tubing or fully open the pump bleed valve to
prevent oil spray from accumulating in the
combustion chamber during the air bleed
Ensure that all bubbles and froth are purged
from the oil supply system before tightening
the pump bleed valve.
Ensure that the appliance is free of oil and oil
Failure to bleed the pump properly could
result in unstable combustion, hot gas puff-
back and heavy smoke.
Hot Gas Puff-Back
and Heavy Smoke
Priming the Pump
Prepare the burner for priming
by attaching a clear plastic hose
over the bleed port fi tting and fully
opening the pump bleed port.
Use a
suitable container to collect purged oil.