13/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
4.1. Things to be done
for energy saving
Connectng the product to electrc
energy savng systems s rsky
as t may cause damage on the
• Do not leave the doors of your
refrgerator open for a long tme.
• Do not put hot food or drnks n your
• Do not overload the refrgerator,
coolng capacty wll fall when the ar
crculaton nsde s hndered.
• In order to store maxmum amount
of food n the freezer compartment,
the cematc, avalable n the freezer
compartment and easly removable by
hand, shall be taken out. Net volume
and energy consumpton values
declared on the power data plate of
your refrgerator are measured and
tested by removng the cematc. Do
not remove the shelves nsde the
freezer compartment and on the door
of freezer compartment shall not be
removed and they shall always be
used they provde ease of use and
effcency n energy consumpton.
• Arflow should not be blocked by
placng foods on the sdes of the
freezer compartment fan. A mnmum
dstance of 3 cm shall be provded on
the sdes of protectve fan cover.
• The baskets/drawers that are
provded wth the chll compartment
must always be n use for low energy
consumpton and for better storage
• Food contact wth the temperature
sensor n the freezer compartment
may ncrease energy consumpton of
the applance. Thus any contact wth
the sensor(s) must be avoded.
• Dependng on the features of your
product, thawng frozen food n
frdge compartment wll both provde
energy savng and preserve the food
4 Preparaton
• Do not allow contact of the food wth
the frdge compartment temperature
sensor shown n the fgure below.
4.2. Initial use
Before startng to use your
refrgerator, ensure that all
preparatons are made n
accordance wth the nstructons
n sectons "Instructons for
safety and envronment" and
• Run the product wthout puttng any
food for 6 hours and do not open ts
door unless certanly requred.
You wll hear a nose when the
compressor starts up. The lquds
and gases sealed wthn the
refrgeraton system may also
gve rse to nose, even f the
compressor s not runnng and ths
s qute normal.
Front edges of the product may
feel warm. Ths s normal. These
areas are desgned to be warm to
avod condensaton.
In some models, the nstrument
panel automatcally turns off
5 mnutes after the door has
closed. It wll be reactvated when
the door has opened or pressed
on any key.