Black & Decker TRO220 Oven User Manual

Service, if necessary, must be performed by a
Black & Decker Company-Owned or Authorized
Household ApplianceService Center. The Service
Center nearest you can usually be found in the
yellow pages of your phone book under
“Appliances - Small - Repairing”. For your conve-
nience, a complete listing of our Company-Owned
Service Centers can be found on insert sheet.
If shipping or mailing the Toast-R-Oven, clean
it, then pack the unit carefully in a sturdy carton
with enough packing material to prevent damage.
The original carton is not suitable for mailing.
Include a note describing the problem to our
Service Center and be sure to give your return
address and phone number. We also suggest that
you insure the package for your protection.
Full Two-Year Warranty
Household Products, Inc. warrants this prod-
uct against any defects that are due to faulty
material or workmanship for a two-year period
after the original date of consumer purchase.
This warranty does not include damage to the
product resulting from accident, misuse or
repairs performed by non-authorized repair
shops. If the product should become defective
within the warranty period, we will repair it or
elect to replace it free of charge. To honor this
warranty, the product with the correspondent
registration card and/or proof of purchase are
required. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights and you may have other rights which
may vary in your country. Should you have any
questions, contact your nearest Black &
Decker owned or authorized service center,
see list included.
Service or Repair
Cuando se usan aparatos electrónicos,
deben tomarse algunas precauciones,
incluyendo las siguientes:
Por favor lea todas las instrucciones.
No toque las superficies calientes,
utilice las asas o las perillas.
Para evitar el riesgo de un choque
eléctrico, no sumerja el cable, el
enchufe ni ninguna parte de este
horno que no sea removible, en agua o
cualquier otro líquido.
La supervisión de un adulto es nece-
saria cuando el aparato sea usado
cerca de o por un niño.
Desconecte la unidad antes de
limpiarla y cuando no esté en uso.
Permita que se enfríe antes de ponerle
o quitarle partes y antes de limpiarla.
No opere ningún aparato eléctrico si
el cable y/o el enchufe han sido
dañados. Si el aparato no funciona o
ha sufrido algún daño, devuélvalo a
un centro de servicio autorizado para
que lo examinen, reparen o ajusten.
El uso de accesorios no recomen-
dados por Black & Decker puede
causar lesiones personales.
No use aparato a la intemperie.
No permita que el cable cuelgue
del borde de la mesa o del
mostrador o tenga contacto con
superficies calientes.
No coloque sobre ni cerca de una
hornilla de gas o eléctrica, ni cerca
de un horno caliente.
Debe tomarse mucha precaución
al mover la unidad cuando tenga
líquidos o aceite caliente.
Tenga mucho cuidado al retirar la
bandeja y al desechar grasa caliente.