Steaming in the steam basket 5 and in the black rice bowl 6
Notice: The quantities and processing times are approximate for steaming in one steam basket
(e. g. model FS 10). The steaming times listed in the charts also apply when steaming smaller
quantities. When steaming larger quantities the steaming times may be somewhat longer if there
is not enough space to permit sufficient steam circulation.
Tips for steaming with the model FS 20: The steaming times in the upper steam basket are longer.
• steam larger pieces or food with longer steaming times in the lower steam basket.
• When steaming different kinds of food with different steaming times: Steam food with a longer
steam time in the lower steam basket. After some time place the steam basket containing food
with a shorter steaming time on top of the lower steam basket for steaming.
egetables and fruits
• Cut off thick stems from cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage.
• Steam leafy, green vegeteables for the shortest possible time as they lose colour easily.
• Frozen vegetables should not be thawed before steaming.
Food Type Ca. quantity Steam times
Artichokes fresh 4 (medium) 40–45 min.
Asparagus fresh 500 g 30–40 min.
Beans, runner fresh, whole or sliced 500 g 25–35 min.
Broccoli fresh, florets 500 g 15–20 min.
Brussels sprouts fresh 500 g 20–25 min.
Cabbage fresh, sliced 500 g 25–30 min.
Carrots fresh, sliced 500 g 20–25 min.
Cauliflower fresh, florets 500 g 20–25 min.
Courgettes fresh, sliced 500 g 15–20 min.
Fennel fresh, sliced 500 g 15–20 min.
Kohlrabi fresh, in cubes 500 g 20–25 min.
Leeks fresh, cut 500 g 15–20 min.
Mushrooms, button fresh, whole or sliced 500 g 20–25 min.
(sliced 5 min. less)
Potatoes sliced 500 g 20–25 min.
Potatoes unpeeled 500 g 30–40 min.
Sweetcorn fresh 2 pieces 55–60 min.
(turn frequently)
Apples fresh, 1/8 pieces 500 g 10–15 min.
Pears fresh, 1/6 pieces 500 g 10–15 min.
F20_Korea_10_14 28.06.2005 16:24 Uhr Seite 12