Improper set up will result in permanent damage and void the limited warranty.
Read and follow the initial set up instructions on page 4.
• Thisbrewerisdesignedtoremainpluggedinatalltimes,exceptduringinitialsetupor
when cleaning.
• Avacationswitchisprovidedonthelowersidetocompletelyshutoffallelectrical
components when your plans take you away from home for three or more days. Safety
features that are designed into the BUNN coffee brewer make the daily use of this
switch unnecessary. Press I to turn on and press O to turn off.
• Ifthebrewerhasbeenshutofforunpluggedforanextendedperiodoftime,llthe
tank with water and allow the water in the tank to heat to the proper temperature
before using (about 15 minutes or until the heating sound stops).
• YourBUNNcoffeebrewerhasaspeciallydesignedtanktokeepthewateratthe
proper temperature. This constant supply of hot water assures correctly brewed coffee
in less than three minutes.
• (BTX models) The brewed coffee flows into an unheated thermal carafe. The double
wall stainless steel construction will hold coffee at serving temperature for about two
stays warm.
• (GRX, BX and NHBX models) The brewed coffee flows into a glass decanter where it is
kept at serving temperature on the porcelain decanter warmer. The warmer is controlled by
the lighted on/off switch on the front of the brewer.
NOTE: The warmer switch controls only the decanter warmer.
• Thedecanterlidreducescoffeeevaporationandtemperatureloss.
• Whilecoffeeisbeingbrewed,thenewestwaterinthetankisheatedtotheproper
temperature and held until needed.
water could drip from the sprayhead when cold water is poured in.
• UseCAUTIONwhendispensinghotwaterfromthebrewer.Thewaterisapproximately
50°F hotter than what’s available from your hot water faucet and is always available for
other uses.
• Thesprayheadmayperiodicallybecomeloose.Usingextremecautionsinceitmaybe
hot, retighten the sprayhead with your fingertips.
NOTE: A severe burn may result if the sprayhead becomes loose and falls off while the
coffee is brewing.
Get hot water anytime. Just leave out the paper filter and
coffee from the brew funnel. With funnel in place, pour cold
water into brewer and in just minutes you will have hot water.