
PROGRAMMING CUP SIZES - Portion Control Models
The cup size can be programmed in portion control models by “EXAMPLE” or “TIME”. Programming by
EXAMPLE is manually pressing desired dispense button, then releasing when the desired cup size is attained.
The time required to fi ll the cup will be stored in the controller memory when moving to the next menu. Pro-
gramming by TIME is setting the actual dispense time in seconds for each cup size desired.
Place the “NORMAL/PROGRAM/RINSE” switch in the “PROGRAM” position. Press button A (page 8)
below the BUNN logo on front of the door until the “SET CUP SIZE” menu is reached. (Refer to menu J, page
12) Press button D (page 8) to select programming by “EXAMPLE”. Place proper cup under dispense tip for
station you desire to set. Press desired dispense button, then release when the cup is 3/4 full. If cup is not full
enough, the dispense button can be pressed again to add additional beverage to the cup. If cup has reached
desired level, press button B under “SAVE” to record the dispense time. If cup is overfi lled, press button D
under “REPEAT”. Empty cup and repeat the process.
If setting cup sizes by “TIME” is desired, press button B under “TIME” in the “SET CUP SIZE” menu. “HEAD 1
SM TIME” will be displayed, along with current time setting. Pressing either button D below (-) or button B be-
low (+) will subtract or add time in .1 second increments. Each one second of time equals approximately 1.25
ounces of beverage at factory settings. When desired time is set, press button A to continue to next cup size.
When the desired cup sizes have been programmed, press button C to exit program menus, or press
button A to move to the next menu. If button C was selected to exit the program mode, return the “NORMAL/
PROGRAM/RINSE” switch to the “NORMAL” position to return to nomal operation.
PROGRAMMING LOCKOUT SWITCH (on memory board mounted
on rear of component mounting bracket)
This switch can be set to prevent access to the programming
mode of the dispenser. Once all the correct settings are pro-
grammed, the operator can set the switch to the “ON” position to
prohibit anyone from changing the settings.
1. ON/OFF/NIGHT switch:
ON: Enables all dispenser functions.
OFF: Disables all dispenser functions.
NIGHT: Disables display lighting and dispense switches. Tank refi ll and heating
still functions.
NORMAL: Allows all dispenser functions. Must be in this position for dispensing.
PROGRAM: Allows access to program menus using touch pad and LCD screen.
RINSE: Disables hopper motors. Pressing dispense button on front door will
dispense dilution water and power whipper motor for ten seconds.
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