Manual abstract:
If water/coffee is not draining from the filter basket during the brewing cycle, unplug the unit and wait 10 minutes before opening and checking the filter
basket. WARNING rISK of fIre or eLeCtrIC SHoCK do not open WarnIng: to reduCe tHe rISK of fIre or eLeCtrIC SHoCK, do not remoVe CoVer (or BaCK)
no uSer-SerVICeaBLe partS InSIde repaIr SHouLd Be done BY autHorIZed SerVICe perSonneL onLY 3 CONTENTS Important Safeguards 2 Unpacking
Instructions 4 The Quest for the Perfect Cup of Coffee .4 Features and Benefits .5 Control Panel 6 Before First Use 7 Programming Your Coffeemaker .7
Charcoal Water Filter 7 Brewing Coffee .8 Brew PauseTM Feature 8 Using Hot Water System .8 Cleaning and Maintenance .9 Warranty .10 THE QUEST
FOR THE PERFECT CUP OF COFFEE ELEMENT 1: WATER Coffee is 98% water. The quality of that water is as important as the quality of your coffee.
If water doesn't taste good from the tap, it won't taste good in your coffee. Cuisinart includes a charcoal water filter to remove chlorine, bad tastes and odors,
for the purest coffee flavor, every time you brew. ELEMENT 2: COFFEE While coffee is 98% water, all of the flavor comes from the beans. To achieve the
same great taste you enjoy at a coffee bar, you need to use the same quality of coffee. If you choose to grind your own beans, buy them fresh and whole.
Buy only about a two-week supply at a time, because once the bean is broken, its flavor degrades quickly. UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place the box on
a large, sturdy, flat surface. 2. Remove the instruction book and any other literature.
3. Turn the box so that the back side of the Coffeemaker is down and slide the Coffeemaker from the box. 4. After the Coffeemaker has been removed, place
the box out of the way and lift off the packing material. 5. Grasp the carafe by its handle, remove it from the heating plate, and remove the polybag. 6. Remove
the polybag covering the Coffeemaker. Save all packing materials in case you have to ship the machine in the future. KEEP ALL PLASTIC BAGS AWAY
ELEMENT 3: GRIND The grind is critical for proper flavor extraction. If the grind is too fine, over-extraction and bitterness will result. Too fine a grind may
also clog the filter. If grind is too coarse, the water will pass through too quickly and the maximum flavor will not be extracted. When grinding your own
beans, we recommend a medium-fine grind. ELEMENT 4: PROPORTION Coffee that is too strong or too weak is always a disappointment. Follow the
recommended portions of ground coffee in the instructions under Brewing Coffee, and later adjust the amount to suit your taste. 4 Coffeemaker FEATURES
Coffeemaker Reservoir Cover Flips back for easy filling. 10. Brew PauseTM Coffeemaker Water Reservoir (not shown) With water level indicator window.
Showerhead (not shown) Distributes water evenly over coffee, reducing temperature loss as water passes through grounds. Holds filter firmly in place.
Stops flow of coffee from basket when carafe is removed from the heater plate, so a cup can be poured in mid-brew. The easy-pour, no-drip 12-cup carafe has
an ergonomic handle and brewed coffee markings. Keeps brewed coffee at desired temperature. Scratch-resistant with nonstick coating. Signals the end of the
brew cycle with five beeps.
One-minute protection if a breaker trips, unit is unplugged, or power fails. Holds all programmed information, including time of day, Auto On time and Auto
Off time. 11. Carafe 12. Adjustable Heater Plate 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Coffeemaker Charcoal Water Filter Holder Charcoal Water Filter Eliminates chlorine, calcium and bad tastes and odors from tap water. Holds a #4 paper
filter or a permanent filter. 13..
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