Cheddar Cheese Sauce
Delicious served over microwaved
broccoli and cauliflower.
Makes 1 cup
1 cup reduced fat milk
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons unbleached all-pur-
pose flour
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon dry mustard
dash Tabasco
or other hot
sauce to taste
¾ cup (3 ounces) shredded sharp
Place milk in a 1-cup glass measuring cup or
other microwave-safe cup and place in the
Compact Microwave. Microwave for
1½ minutes on high (PL 10); reserve.
Place butter in a 4 -cup glass measuring cup or
other deep 4-cup microwave-safe bowl with a
handle. Cover with a sheet of waxed paper and
microwave for 1 minute on high or until melted.
Add flour and stir with a whisk until smooth.
Microwave on high for 2 minutes until foamy,
stirring with a whisk after 45 seconds and again
after 1½ minutes of cooking. Add warm milk,
salt, mustard, and hot sauce; whisk until
smooth. Microwave on medium-high, uncov-
ered for 3 minutes, stirring after 1 minute, and
then every 45 seconds, until the sauce boils
and thickens. At this point, you have a medium
white sauce.
Add cheese and stir until smooth. Microwave,
uncovered, on medium-high (PL 7) for 3 min-
utes, whisking after 1 minute, after 2 minutes,
and again when done. Serve hot.
If not using immediately, cover with a round of
waxed paper directly on the sauce to prevent a
skin from forming. To reheat after standing for a
short time (10 to 15 minutes), microwave on
medium (PL 5) for 1½ minutes, stirring after 45
*May use grated Reggiano Parmigiano or
Asiago in place of Cheddar.
Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons):
Calories 90 (69% from fat) • carb. 3g • pro. 4g
• fat 7g • sat. fat 4g • chol. 21mg • sod. 126mg
• calc. 114mg • fiber 0g
Strawberry Pomegranate
Making jam in the microwave couldn’t
be simpler, and the result here is
this delightful ruby red jam.
Makes about 1¾ cups
1 pound strawberries, stemmed
and quartered
¾ cup plus 1 tablespoon granulated
¾ ounce powdered fruit pectin for
low sugar recipes
2 tablespoons pomegranate juice
Place all ingredients in a 1½-quart microwave-
safe bowl or casserole that is at least 4 inches
deep. Stir to combine. Cover loosely with a
sheet of waxed paper cut just slightly larger
than the bowl/casserole.
Place in the Cuisinart
Compact Microwave
and microwave on high (PL 10) for 5 minutes.
Stir using a heatproof spatula or wooden
spoon; be sure to scrape the bottom of the
bowl. Microwave uncovered on high for 5 min-
utes. Stir well. Microwave, uncovered, on high
for 2 minutes. Stir well. Microwave on high for 2
more minutes – jam will be boiling. Remove
from Microwave and carefully skim off and dis-
card any foam that has accumulated on the top.
Stir and allow to cool for at least 20 minutes
before using – jam will thicken as it cools.
Transfer to containers with non-metallic covers
and refrigerate. Keeps about 10 days in the
Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons):
Calories 65 (0% from fat) • carb. 17g • pro. 0g
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 4mg
• calc. 5mg • fiber 1g