Dell Latitude C/Port II APR System Information Guide 13
6 Click the Install button to start the automatic installation. At the
welcome screen, follow the screen prompts to complete the
NOTE: Some ResourceCDs may require users to navigate through folders to
obtain the correct driver. For complete instructions on reinstalling drivers, see
your User’s Guide.
Installing the Docking Drivers From the Dell | Support Website
1 Go to the Dell | Support website at support.dell.com. If you are
visiting the website for the first time, click your region under Choose a
region and click Go.
2 Follow the instructions on the screen.
3 Enter your docking device information, and then click Go!.
4 Click Downloads.
The Downloads For Your Dell window appears, including a short form
for you to fill out.
5 Select your operating system and operating system language.
6 Select System and Configuration Utilities as your download category.
7 Click Go!.
8 If your computer is running Windows 9x or Windows Me, locate and
click the link for the Dell Dock QuickInstall utility.
If your computer is running Windows NT, locate and click the link for
Softex Docking Services.
9 Follow the instructions on the screen to download and install the
required drivers.
After you download the files and before you install the drivers, make
sure to view the readme.txt file that is included in the downloaded files
for important information about the installation.