Fatty food should not be stored for long periods. Salt also reduces
food-storage time.
Do not place new items next to already frozen ones. Fresh food
may affect the temperature of the already frozen ones.
Wrap food and make sure it is sealed tightly.
How to Defrost Food
To defrost fish, meat or fruit, keep them in the refrigerator
compartment for a short time.
Small cuts of meat can be cooked without defrosting.
Vegetables can be defrosted in hot water.
Pre-cooked food can be heated in oven without defrosting, if
packaging is suitable.
Microwave ovens are suitable for defrosting all kinds of food,
depending on packaging. Refer to microwave oven user's manual.
How to Store Food Inside Refrigerator
To preserve food and beverages characteristics, keep them in
closed containers.
To preserve green vegetables, place them in plastic bags before
storing them in the fruit / vegetable drawer.
All items should be dry before they are placed inside the Refrig-
To store food or beverages which absorb or give off very strong
odors, keep them very well packed or in closed containers.
Avoid storing liquid items such as soup and broth inside open
caontainers as they may freeze.
Dont stored hot foods inside the freezer, wait to down the
temperature to store them.
Do not place hot food inside refrigerator as it may affect its original
characteristics and aroma. Wait until it cools naturally before storing
Fruit and vegetable should be washed, dried and well packed before
placing them inside refrigerator.
Before storing eggs, be sure they are fresh and place them in the
vertical position to optimise storage for longer periods.
Compartimiento Fast Freezing (4)
Este compartimiento permite que los alimentos se congelen
más rápidamente pues fue proyectado con una tapa basculante
que retiene el frío.
Dispenser de Latas
Este compartimiento fue diseñado especialmente para guardar
latas de bebidas de 350 ml.
Estantes y Trababotellas
1. Anaquel portabotella(17):
Concebido para acondicionar 4 botellas de bebidas de hasta
2 litros.
2. Trababotellas(18):
Es permitir que las botellas de mantengam firmes sobre los
anaqueles y no se vuelquen. Siga las indicaciones de la
figura al lado para encajarlo al anaquel y luego usted podrá
deslizarlo hacia la izquierda o derecha según su necessidad.
3. Estante de la puerta del Refrigerador(16):
Este estante fue diseñado para acomodar recipientes y
Compartimiento Para Productos Lácteos (13)
Este compartimiento ha sido diseñado para guardar productos
lácteos (mantequilla y derivados de leche). Está equipado con
una tapa deslizante protectora.