(not included with all models)
Some models have a digital temperature display integrated
in the handle of the lid. In normal operation, it shows the
temperature of the frozen products in centigrade (°C).
There are however the following exceptions:
- After switching on the freezer "--" is shown briefly.
- If the temperature inside the freezer is higher than 0
°C, "+" appears.
- If the storage temperature cannot be measured due to
a malfunction, "+" or "-36", appear and at the same time
the warning buzzer and the red warning light indicate
an alarm condition. (Also see section "Something Not
The temperature display indicates the temperature of
the frozen food and therefore changes relatively
slowly, if you put fresh goods in for example. If you leave the
lid open for a long time, the temperature warning may
respond, the temperature display may however remain
unchanged. In this case there is no malfunction. Press the
WARNING OFF button, to switch the warning buzzer off. The
red warning light goes out automatically after a short time.
If the temperature in the freezer is too high, the warning
buzzer sounds and the red warning light flashes.
The warning buzzer and red warning light are triggered:
- if the storage temperature required has not yet been
reached when starting the freezer; if the storage
temperature is no longer maintained (malfunction);
- after inserting fresh foodstuffs in a greater quantity
than permitted by the freezing capacity (see section
on "Freezing";
- if the lid is left open too long.
You can switch off the warning buzzer with the
WARNING OFF button. The red warning light
continues to flash until it is sufficiently cold again
inside the freezer.
The warning buzzer and red warning light are not
- if the power supply is interrupted;
- if the electronic thermostat is faulty.
A coin has to be used to turn the temperature control
knob. This makes it more difficult to inadvertently adjust
the temperature (child protection).
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PPoossiittiioonn ""44"" mmeeaannss:: ccoollddeesstt iinntteerrnnaall tteemmppeerraattuurree
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd ppoossiittiioonn:: ""22 "" oorr ""33""
Turn the temperature control knob to position "2" or
"3" using a coin.
The internal temperature will be affected by the
- ambient temperature
- quantity of food stored;
- frequent or prolonged opening of the lid.
Digital temperature display