dito electrolux bakery 9
LMP 500 BT (1 speed) table top belt
dough sheeter.
Versatility in the preparation of all
types of pastry with a working width
of 500 mm and two working belts of
1000 mm in length
Slides can be raised for optimum
space saving and cleaning
The flour container is fixed on the top
to continue dough preparation without
stopping the machine
The ergonomic controls are closely
situated to suit natural movements
Cutting module Foot pedal
LMP 500 BF (1 speed or variable
speeds) mobile floor standing belt dough
Sturdy base for optimum support in a
white painted finish to last longer
Chromium plated steel cylinders (60
mm diam.) with a 500 mm working
width and 2 working belts 1000 mm
in length
Invert rolling direction by means of
a joystick
Emergency stop button with lock
and manual re-start ensure operator
LMP 600 BF (2 speeds)
mobile floor standing belt
dough sheeter.
The chromium plated steel rollers (71,5 mm diam.)
have a working width of 600 mm and a belt length
of 1300 mm
Operator safety is guaranteed by a microswitch
which controls the gratings and stops the motor if they
exceed a certain level
Croissants made easy thanks to the optional cutting
module 130x140 mm
Easily invert the rolling
direction thanks to the
optional remote foot
pedal (excl. LMP400)