MANUAL 599158
The model(s) and/or series covered by this manual are listed on the front cover.
The information detailed in this manual is subject to change without notice, the latest version is
indicated by the Manual date and replaces any earlier editions.
The front cover picture shows the type of product and may not necessarily be an exact image of the
models covered by the manual.
Part References
Where a Model is shown, the part is exclusive to the Model(s) stated.
602-CG602, W-CG602W, WF-CG602WF, WFC-CG602WFC, F-CG602F, Q – CG602QJET, M –
NZ - New Zealand, AU - Australia, EU - Europe, GB – United Kingdom, DK - Denmark, DE -
Germany, NL – Netherlands.
Kit Parts
The components shown in italics are those parts in the kit which are available also as separate items. In
addition, some parts supplied with this kit which are not available as separate items are listed without
part numbers. Some items not shown in the diagram are listed as NI under the part(s) they are
associated with.
All details relating to Technical Bulletins or Notes are shown on a dedicated page.
Parts List Key
NOT USED As a part, indicates the diagram part reference is not used in this manual.
# Beside the part number, indicates the part is no longer available.
italics Kit components shown in italics are also available separately.
* Indicates a technical bulletin or note exists for the part or part reference.
NI As a part reference, indicates the part is not illustrated on the diagram.
HOB TOP ..................................................................................................................................................................................6
BASEPAN – NON FLAME FAILURE CG602 / 602W .........................................................................................................10
BASEPAN – FLAME FAILURE CG602F / CG602WF / CG602WFC / CG602QJET / CG602MJET .................................14