Frigidaire FFEW2725LW Oven User Manual

To Set Control for Continuous Bake or 12
Hour Energy Saving
The oven control has a built-in 12 Hour Energy Saving
feature that will shut off the oven if the control is left on
for more than 11 hours and 59 minutes. The oven can be
programmed to override this feature for continuous baking.
To set control for continuous baking:
1. Press and hold the Timer OnOff pad for 7 seconds
until a tone is heard.
2. Within 5 seconds, press the Up or Down arrow pad
to switch between Continuous Bake and 12 Hour
Energy Saving mode. The display will show either “—
— hr” or “12hr”.
If “- - hr” appears, the oven will be set to continuous
baking. If “12hr “ appears, the oven is set to 12 hour
energy saving mode.
3. Wait 5 seconds or press the Clear off pad to accept
the changes.
To Set Control for Oven Lockout
The control can be programmed to lock the oven door
and lock the oven control pads. The Oven Lockout
feature prevents the oven from being accidentally turned
on. It does not disable the clock, minute timer or the
interior oven light.
To Set Control for Oven Lockout feature:
1. Press the Clear off pad and hold for 3 seconds. The
“Door Locked” indicator light will fl ash and the motor
driven door lock will begin to close automatically.
DO NOT open the oven door while the indicator
light is fl ashing. Allow about 15 seconds for the oven
door to lock. Once the oven door is locked, “Loc” will
appear in display.
2. To cancel the Oven lockout feature, press the Clear
off pad and hold for 3 seconds. The control will
unlock the oven door and resume normal operation.
To Set or Change the Temperature for
The time of day must fi rst be set in order to
operate the oven.
The oven can be programmed to bake at any
temperature from 170°F to 550°F (77°C to 288°C).
To Set the Controls for Baking:
1. Press the Bake pad.”— — —°” appears in the display.
2. Within 5 seconds, Press the Up or Down arrow pad.
The display will show “350°F (177°C).” By holding the
Up or Down arrow pad, the temperature can then
be adjusted in 5°F (1°C if control is set to display
Celsius) increments.
3. 8 seconds after the Up or Down arrow pad is
released, the oven will begin heating to the selected
temperature. When the displayed temperature reaches
the desired baking temperature, the preheat indicator
light will turn OFF and the oven control will beep.
4. To cancel the baking function, press the Clear off
To Change the Oven Temperature after Baking has
Started: Press the Up or Down arrow pad to increase
or decrease the set temperature.
Should an oven fi re occur, close the oven door
and turn off the oven. If the fi re continues,
throw baking soda on the fi re or use a fi re
extinguisher. DO NOT put water or fl our on
the fi re. Flour may be explosive and water can
cause a grease fi re to spread and cause personal
Setting Broil
Broiling is a method of cooking tender cuts of meat by
direct heat under the broil element of the oven. A beep
lets you know when the broil temperature is reached. Be
sure you center the broiler pan directly under the broil
element for best results.
Arrange oven rack while oven is still cool. Position the
rack as needed. The broiler pan and its insert allow
dripping grease to drain and be kept away from high
heat of the broiler. DO NOT use the pan without its
insert. DO NOT cover the insert with foil. The exposed
grease could ignite.
Broiling Tips:
• For optimum browning, preheat the broil element for 5
• Broil one side until the food is browned; turn and cook
on the second side. Season and serve.
• Always pull the rack out to the “stop” position before
turning or removing food.
• Always use the broiler pan and its cover when broiling.
It allows the dripping grease to be kept away from the
high heat of the broil element (see Figure 1).
• For best broiling results, broil with the oven door in the
broil stop position (see Figure 2).
• If using a Searing Grill (available by mail order),
preheat the grill for 5 to 10 minutes before placing
your meat.
DO NOT use the broil pan without the insert. DO NOT
cover the broil pan insert with foil. The exposed
grease could catch fi re.