Garland MCO-GD-10 Oven User Manual

Page 2 FORM # MCO GS/GD-10 MODELS (Old Model Rev 1)
Explanation of Serial Number
Sample : 9601CJ0001
96 = Year built
(first two characters)
93 = 1993
94 = 1994
95 = 1995
96 = 1996
97 = 1997
98 = 1998
99 = 1999
00 = 2000
01 = 2001
01 = Month built
(second two characters)
01 = January
02 = February
03 = March
04 = April
05 = May
06 = June
07 = July
08 = August
09 = September
10 = October
11 = November
12 = December
CJ = manufacturers item class for
Convection Oven (ALPHA characters)
0001 = sequential number of units built that
( running number from 0001 to 9999 )
Explanation of Model Number
From Models up to Serial Number 0003CJ9999
Position: 1 - M - Master
2 - C - Convection
3 - O - Oven
4 - G - Gas, E- Electric Unit
5 - S - Standard Depth,
(D - Deep)
6 - 10 - Single Deck ,
(20 - Stacked)
7- E- Electronic Control Panel
(M-Manual Controls, A-Indendent
doors and Manual controls)
M C O- G S - 10 E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7