
Customer Service Troubleshooting Tips Care and Cleaning Operating Instructions Safety Instructions
Before You Call For Service…
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
CLEAN light flashes Oven controls not Move the door latch handle to the right before
properly set. setting the Oven Temperature knob to CLEAN.
Oven makes This is the sound of the This is normal.
clicking noise heating element turning
off and on during
cooking functions.
CLEAN light is on The oven door was Turn the Oven Temperature knob to OFF. Allow
when you want to cook accidentally locked. the oven to cool. Then move the latch to the far left.
Never force the door latch handle.
“F— and a number You have a function Turn the Oven Temperature knob to OFF. Put the oven
or letter” flash in error code. back into operation.
the display
If the function code repeats. Disconnect all power to the range for at least 30
seconds and then reconnect power. If the function
error code repeats, call for service.
The display goes blank Power surge. Disconnect power at the fuse box or circuit breaker
or indicator lights come for at least 10 seconds. Turn power on and power
on when range is not up your range. If the indicator lights are still on,
in use call for service.
The clock is in the See the Using the clock and timer section.
black-out mode.
Oven door will Oven too hot. Turn the Oven Temperature knob to CLEAN. The
not lock glowing oven cleaning light after the knob is turned
indicates the oven is too hot from previous use. To cool
the oven, open the door wide, and allow the oven to
cool. After the oven has cooled, close the door and slide
the latch handle all the way to the right.
“Burning” or “oily” This is normal in a new To speed the process, set a self-clean cycle for a
odor emitting from oven and will disappear minimum of 3 hours. See the Using the self-cleaning
the vent in time. oven section.
Strong odor An odor from the insulation This is temporary.
around the inside of the
oven is normal for the first
few times the oven is used.
Storage drawer Rear drawer support is Reposition the drawer. See the Storage Drawer
is crooked on top of the guide rail. Removal instructions in the Care and cleaning of your
range section.
Storage drawer Power cord may be Reposition the drawer and power cord. See the
won’t close obstructing drawer Storage Drawer Removal instructions in the Care and
in the lower back cleaning of your range section.
of the range.
Rear drawer support is Reposition the drawer. See the Storage Drawer
on top of the guide rail. Removal instructions in the Care and cleaning of your
range section.
Troubleshooting Tips