Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and
appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model
Upper Rack
The upper i-ack is for glasses, cups m~d saucers.
Cups and gl~sses lit best Nong the sides. This is
Mso a secure place for dishw~she~sa~e pl~sdcs.
~e upper ~ack is gorM IBr N1 kinds of odd-
shaped utensils. Niucepans, mixing boMs and
olher items should he placed face dram.
The Wash Tower
Thc wash tower rises through the center of the
lower rack dining the wash m~d rinse portions of
the cycle.
Also, he {:m’efltl not fo let a
dish handle extend through the
bottom ~a#k. This could block thc
wash ann and cause poor washing