_ Start (continued)
PDW9000 Series
After selectingthe cycle and desiredenhancements, touch the START/RESETpad to ready the
dishwasher to begin the cycle. Closethe door to start the cycle or begin the DELAVSTARTcountdown.
When the cycle starts, the water fill begins and approximately 60 secondslater the wash action begins.
The dishwasherwill always display your last selection and enhancements. If you don't want to change
the settings,simply touch the START/RESETpad to ready the dishwasher and closethe door to begin
the cycle.
Also,if a power failure occurs NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed. Hake any
new selectionsand touch the START/RESETpad to beginthe new cgcle.
When the door isopened,the indicator lights will turn off ifthe START/RESETpad is not selectedwithin
5 minutes.Toactivate the displag, open and close the door or touch ang pad.
PDW8000 Series
TheCLEANlight is illuminated when the selected cgcle and enhancements are complete. Thelight will
stag ONuntil a pad is pressedor the door isopened and then closed.
PDW9200 Series-PDW9900 Series
TheCLEANlight is illuminated and a double beep will sound when the selected cgcle and enhancements
are complete. You mag remove the dishes at ang time. The high-efficiencg fan will run quietly for 30
minutes to 4 hours (depending on selected cgcle)after the CLEANlight is illuminated to continue drying
the dishes.Thefan can be turned off bg opening the door and pressingang kegpad.
ALL MODELS:Toturn off the audible end-of-cgcle signal (or re-activate it ifit was previously tumed off),
pressthe HEATEDDRYpad 5 times within 3 seconds.A triple beep will sound to indicate the end-of-cgcle
beep option has been toggled.
Flashingdisplay lights.
Status Indicator Lights What It Means
Cgcle hasbeen interrupted bg pressingthe START/RESETpad,or there
hasbeen o power failure. Light will stop flashing after the dishwasher
automatically drains out the water.The dishwasher will restart if the
interruption was the result of o power failure.
Recommended dishwasher products.
GErecommends the following products for usein its
• For your manual detergent dispenser,Cascade®
and ElectrasoF powder, liquidor gel automatic
dishwasher detergents are approved.
• For your SmartDispenseTM Detergent Dispenser,use
only the recommended detergents listed on page
10of this manual,
• Jet Dry ®or Cascade Crystal Clear®rinseagents
to remove spots and prevent new film buildup on
your dishes,glasses,flatware, cookware and
plastic. Using rinseagent also improves drg
• Cascade®Plastic BoosterTM to remove red staining
insidegour dishwasher that can come from some
tomato-based foods.
• Cerama Brgte®StainlessSteelAppliance Cleaner
to clean the exterior stainlesssteel panel of GEand
ProfileTM dishwashers (forstainlesssteel exterior
models only).