Home Canning Tips
Radiant Cooktop
Observe the
points in
Note: Flat-bottomed
canners are required
for glass cooktops.
Pots that extend beyond 1 inch of the surface
element’s circle are not recommended for most
surface cooking. However, when canning with
water-bath or pressure canner, larger-diameter
pots may be used. This is because boiling water
temperatures (even under pressure) are not
harmful to the cooktop surfaces surrounding
the surface elements.
OTHER THAN WATER. Most syrup or sauce
mixtures—and all types of frying—cook at
temperatures much higher than boiling water.
Such temperatures could eventually harm the
glass cooktop surfaces.
1. Be sure the canner fits over the center of
the surface element. If your cooktop or its
location does not allow the canner to be
centered on the surface element, use smaller-
diameter pots for good canning results.
Do not allow the canner to overlap the
2. Flat-bottomed canners must be used. Do not
use canners with flanged or rippled bottoms
(often found in enamelware) because they
don’t make enough contact with the surface
elements and take a long time to boil water.
3. When canning, use recipes and procedures
from reputable sources. Reliable recipes and
procedures are available from the manufacturer
of your canner; manufacturers of glass jars for
canning, such as Ball and Kerr brand; and the
United States Department of Agriculture
Extension Service.
4. Remember that canning is a process that
generates large amounts of steam. To avoid
burns from steam or heat, be careful when
NOTE: If your house has low voltage, canning may take
longer than expected, even though directions have been
carefully followed. The process time will be shortened by:
(1) using a pressure canner, and
(2)starting with HOT tap water for fastest heating
of large quantities of water.
• Safe canning requires that harmful
microorganisms are destroyed and that the jars
are sealed completely. When canning foods in a
water-bath canner, a gentle but steady boil must
be maintained for the required time. When
canning foods in a pressure canner, the pressure
must be maintained for the required time.
• After you have adjusted the controls, it is very
important to make sure the prescribed boil or
pressure levels are maintained for the required
• Since you must make sure to process the canning
jars for the prescribed time, with no interruption
in processing time, do not can on any cooktop
surface element if your canner is not flat.
• Pour mettre en conserve d’une manière
sécuritaire, vous devez détruire les
microorganismes nuisibles et sceller
vos pots hermétiquement. Quand vous
mettez en conserve des aliments dans un
appareil de conservation à bain d’eau, vous
devez faire bouillir doucement, mais sans
arrêt pendant tout le temps désiré. Quand
vous mettez en conserve les aliments dans un
appareil de conservation à pression, vous devez
conserver la pression pendant le temps désiré.
• Après avoir ajusté les contrôles, vous devez
absolument vous assurer de conserver les
niveaux prescrits de température ou de
pression pendant le temps requis.
• Comme vous devez vous assurer de réchauffer
les pots de conserve pendant le temps prescrit,
sans interruption pendant toute la durée de mise
en conserve, ne faites jamais cuire vos conserves
sur un élément de surface de la table de cuisson
si votre appareil de conservation n’est pas
absolument plat.
Why do my
elements cycle
on and off?
Surface elements will cycle on and off to maintain
the temperature you have selected.
All radiant surface elements have a temperature
limiter that protects the glass cooktop from
getting too hot.
The temperature limiter may cycle the elements
off for a time if:
• the pan boils dry.
• the pan bottom is not flat.
• the pan is off center.
• there is no pan on the element.