Problems Causes Solutions
Too high temperature
The temperaturein the
fridge storage
compartment istoo
high whilethe
temperature inthe
freezer isOK
The fridge temperature
is set too high.
Set the fridge temperature lower. It
takes 24 hours for the temperature of the
refrigerator to become stable.
Water/moisture/frost in therefrigerator
accumulates onthe
refrigerator inner
Hot and moist climate.
The door is notclosed
The door is openedtoo
frequently or for toolong
each time.
Accumulation of frost andmoisture
accelerate in such climate.
See “Door/drawer opening/closing” in
section “Problem”.
Do not open thedoor so frequently.
Water/moisture/frost on outsidesurface of the refrigerator
accumulates onthe
outside surfaceor
between twodoors
Damp climate.
The refrigerator door is
not closed tightly. This
causes condensation of the
cold air in therefrigerator
and the warm airoutside it.
This is normal in dampclimate. The
moisture will decrease whenthe humidity
See “Door/drawer opening/closing” in
section “Problem”.
Automatic icemaker
The icemakerdoes
not makeice
The icemakeris not
turned on
The watersupply valveis
not turnedon
The temperaturein the
freezer isnot lowenough
The icemakeris not
installed inplace.
Turn on theicemaker onthe display
Turn on the watersupply valve.
See “Too high temperature” insection
Push the icemaker toits proper place.
capacity is
The ice-makingcapacity
is lessthan expected
The temperature in the
freezer isnot lowenough
The icemaker can makeapproximately
1kg of cubed icesin 24 hours.
Set thefreezer temperaturelower.
The icemaker
cannot stopmaking
Its ice detection baris
pushed to a lowerposition
by some object inthe
freezer storage
The cubedice taste
Tainted by odorsin the
fridge or freezer storage
The water supplied tothe
icemaker is not fresh.
The cubed ices have
been stored for an
extended period.
Cover all the foodclosely. Discard the
ices stored for longperiod or made inthe
first loads.
Add a filter onthe water supply pipe.
Please consult a waterpurification
Discard the cubed icesstored too long.
Bad odorsin the refrigerator
The insideof the
refrigerator isdirty
The inside of the
refrigerator needs cleaning
Food of strong odoris
stored in the refrigerator
Clean the internal ofthe refrigerator.
Wrap the foodtightly.
Remove the object thatis restricting the
ice detection bar, free theice detection bar
and remove all frozenice patches from
around the ice detectionbar.