Your Haier Wine Cellar
Your Haier Wine Cellar
The storage of wine is important; as wine is a natural, perishable beverage the storage conditions
impact greatly on the overall taste, quality and aroma of wine. It is therefore important to store
and serve wine correctly. The Haier Wine Cellar provides you with all the necessary
storage requirements to ensure your wine is adequately cared for.
Temperature control is important when storing wine. Too high a temperature ages wine
prematurely and prevents it from developing to its full complexity. At temperatures above 20°C
volatile aroma and avour compounds are lost and oxidation occurs, all contributing to aging
the wine prematurely. Too low a temperature delays maturation and can result in deposits or
suspensions in the wine. The Wine Cellar can be set between 6 and 18°C, depending on the type
of wine and length of storage required.
More important than the actual temperature of wine is the uctuation in temperature the wine
is subjected to. Changes in temperature can ruin wine, as it causes the wine to expand and
contract in the bottle, damaging the integrity of the cork allowing oxygen to seep in. Daily and
weekly uctuations in household temperatures will over time cause damage to your wines and
age them prematurely. The Wine Cellar provides a constant temperature storage environment
with minimal uctuations in temperature, suited to both long and short-term storage of red and
white wine.
(Features may vary with model)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13 14
Parts and features
1. White wine indicator light
2. White wine button/temperature adjustment down
3. Red wine indicator light
4. Red wine button/temperature adjustment up
5. Condensation control/Demister indicator light
6. Interior light and demister button
7. LED temperature display
8. Interior light
9. Interior shelves
10. Door
11. Interior fan
12. Adjustable levelling legs
13. Ventilation control
14. Deodoriser
Fig 1. Parts and features of Wine Cellar