Henny Penny 291 Fryer User Manual

Model 291
Problem Cause Correction
Product color not correct:
A. Too dark
Temperature too high Check temperature setting
in the program mode; see
Programming Section in
Operator’s Manual
Faulty temperature probe Remove and replace tempera-
ture probe
Shortening too old Change shortening
Shortening too dark Filter shortening
Change shortening
Breading product too far Bread product closer to
in advance actual frying period
B. Too light
Temperature too low Check temperature setting
Remove and replace tempera-
ture probe
Fryer incorrect preheat Allow proper preheat time
Slow fryer heat-up/recovery Faulty element
Wrong cook button Be sure to select the correct
pushed. product to be cooked
C. Product
Shortening old Replace shortening
Temperature too low Check temperature setting
Temperature not recovered
when product was dropped
in frypot
Faulty temperature probe Remove and replace defective
temperature probe
Frypot overloaded Reduce cooking load
Product not removed from Remove product from
frypot immediately after frypot immediately after
end of cycle end of cycle
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