Henny Penny 301 Fryer User Manual

It is recommended that a high quality frying shortening be
used in the O&301/302/303 and OG-301/302/303 fry
stations. Some low grade shortenings have a high moisture
content causing foaming and boiling over. The Henny Penny
OE-301/302/303 requires 48 pounds of shortening per
cookpot. The OG-301/302/303 requires 43 pounds per
cookpot. All cookpots have two level indicators
inscribed on the rear of the cookpot wall. The top indicator
shows when the heated shortening is at the proper level.
Cold shortening should be at the bottom indicator, since the
shortening will expand when heated.
Hot shortening must be maintained at the level indicator
on each cookpot, or fire could result. It is also
recommended to use gloves when in contact with hot
shortening. Shortening and all metal parts that are in
contact with the shortening are extremely hot and
severe burns could result.
Moving the fryer with hot shortening in the cookpots or
filter pan is not recommended. Hot shortening can
splash out and severe burns could result.
The Henry Penny Open Fry Station with dual timers con-
tains solid state controls for each cookpot. The following is
brief description of the operating procedures.
Be sure the drain valve is in the closed position.
Place basket support inside of cookpot.
Fill the cookpot with shortening.
When using solid shortening, it is recommended to melt
the shortening on an outside heating source before
placing it in the cookpots. Heating elements and the
slope of the gas cookpot must be completely submerged
in shortening. Fire could result, or damage to the
cookpot could result.