Henny Penny Rotisserie Cooking Oven User Manual

Another bene t of owning a Henny Penny
rotisserie is its ease of operation and upkeep. Like
all of our equipment, Henny Penny rotisseries are
designed with an eye toward simplicity.  is means
your workforce spends less time training and
cleaning equipment, which in turn leads to greater
productivity and more e cient use of time. Our
easy-to-learn controls require minimal supervision
and prove particularly valuable in foodservice
environments that experience high turnover,
and in settings where employees
are expected to multitask.
Every feature incorporated
into Henny Penny rotisseries is
speci cally designed to provide
you and your employees with
signi cant real-world bene ts.
Ef ciency
SCR-16 is a 16-spit stacked
rotisserie featuring casters,
control side and customer side
doors, optional Te on
spits, rotor and drip pans.
SCR-8 is an 8-spit
countertop rotisserie
featuring control
side and customer
side doors, optional
Te on
coated spits,
rotor and drip pans.