Plain Salver (Level 1, 2)
The plain salver (middle tray) can be adjust to fit the
food height or usege
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• Lift the inner part of salver up a little and pull it to the
front. Then, it can be removable.
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• Please adjust the tray to the level that you prefer and
push it until it reaches the deepest point.
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• Do not put the weight over 13kg on the tray. This can
cause deformed or broken.
Freezing temperature is the temperature around -1°C that allow you to keep the fresh foods such as fish or
meat longer.
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Notifications /
•To open or close the freshroom please use the handle as shown in the following picture. Handle by the
wrong area may cause finger injury.
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Inner Light (within the lamp cover)
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Lamp Cover
The middle tray (Level 1,2)
• When you want to close the refrigerator door, please make sure that the fresh room is already pushed back
in its right position. If you close the door while the room still pulled out, the food inside or the fresh room
itself canbe damaged.
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• Do not keep the food that contains too much water such as tofu, or yogurt in the fresh room, Because, the
foods can be frozen. And, do not put the weight over 4.2 kg tn the weight over 4.2 kg in the container, it can
be broken.
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Different level area