the manufacturer’sinstructionsand
recipesfor preservingfoods.Be
sure canner isfiat-bottomeda~]d
fitsoverthe centerof yourCalrod@
unit. Sincecanninggenerateslarge
amountsof steam, be carefulto
avoidburns from steamor heat.
Canningshouldonly be done on
surface units.
Q. Can I cover my drip
pans with
No. Clean as recommendedin
A. Cookwarewithoutflat surfaces
is not recommended. The lifeof
your surface unit can be shortened
and the range top can be damaged
from the high heat needed for this
type of cooking.
Q. Whyam I notgettingthe heat
1 need from my units even though
I have the knobs on the right
A. After turning surface unit off
and making sure it is cool, check to
make sure that yourplug-inunits
are securely fastenedinto the
surface connection.
A. Because the s~lrfaceunit is
not flat. Make sure that
on your Calrod@unitsare.sitting
tightlyin the rangetop indentation
and the reflectorring is flaton the
Q. whyis the porcelainfinishon
my cookware
A. If you set yourCalrod” unit
higher than required for the
cookwarematerial, and leaveit, the
finish may smoke, crack, pop, or
burn dependingon the pot or pan.
Also, a too high heat for long
periods, and smallamountsof dry
food, may damagethe finish.
In surface cooking of foodsother
than canning, the use of large-
diameter pots (extendingmore than
l-inch beyondedge oftrim ring) is
not recommended, However,when
canning with water-bath or
pressure canner, large-diameter
pots may be used. This is because
l~oilingwater temperatures (even
under pressure) are not harmfulto
cooktop surfi]cessurrounding
heating unit.
1. Bring water to boil on HIGH
heat, then after boilinghas begun,
adjust heat to lowest settingto
maintain boil (savesenergy and
best uses surface unit.)
2. Be sure canner fits over center
of surface unit, If your range does
not allow canner to be centered on
surface unit, use smaller-diameter
pOtSfor goodcanningresults.
Flat-bottomed canners give best
canning results. Be sure bottom of
canner is flat or slight indentation
fits snugly over surface unit.
Canners with flanged or rippled
bottoms (often found in enamelware)
are not recommended.
‘. ~~~~
——.-.. ..— .2&.K.7ti%==.—
4. When canning, use recipes from
reputable sources. Reliablerecipes
are availablefrom the manufacturer
of your canner; manufacturers of
glassjars for canning, such as Ball
and Kerr; and the United States
Department of Agriculture
Extension Service.
5. Remember, in followingthe
recipes, that canning is a process
that generates large amounts of
steam. Be careful while canning to
prevent burns from steam or heat.
NOTE: If your range is being
operated on lowpower (voltage),
canning may take longer than
expected, even though directions
havebeen careful~yfollowed. The
process may be improved by:
(1)using a pressure canner,
for fastest heating of large
water quantities, begi~~with
HOT tap water.