888 Porter Rd. Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone: 231.798.8888 Fax: 231.798.4960 www.structuralconcepts.com
Alarm Going Off, CPC ESC3
E0 flashing, Air probe has failed.
E1 flashing, Defrost termination or product probe has failed.
L0 flashing, Low temperature alarm.
H1 flashing, High temperature alarm.
Ed flashing, Defrost timeout has occurred (did not terminate
dF flashing, Controller is in defrost mode (not and alarm).
Compressor is running is a normal condition.
Not Holding Temperature.
If a large amount of warm product was added to the case, it will
take time for the temperature to adjust.
The temperature will change during defrost mode but will return
to normal.
Check that the discharge air is not disrupted or blocked by
product (Product is above load limit level).
Check that the case is not in the sun or near a heat or air-
conditioning vent.
Is case located near front doors.
Check the evaporator coil for ice build up (can be viewed from
fan shroud inspection cover).