Jenn-Air CCE3401 Cooktop User Manual

Model CCE3451 Only:
If pan frying results are poor:
bottomdiameterofskilletmaybetoolarge. (Forbetterbrowning,matchthe bottom
diameterof theskillet with the size of the cookingarea.)
thin gaugeskilletstend to havehotspots.
too highofcontrol settingwas selected initially. Inductionelementsproduce HOT
skillets instantly.
Model CVE3400 Only:
If ventilation system is not capturing smoke efficiently:
checkoncross ventilationinroom or make up air.
excessiveamountof smokeis being created.
cooktopmay be improperlyinstalled;check ducting information.(See p. 15.)
air filter may be improperlyinstalled.(Seep. 14.)