Whenthe control knobisturned ON,gaswill flow intothe burner. Thesolidstate igniter
willclick as longas theknob is in the Lite position. (Note: All burner igniterswill spark
regardlessofwhichburneris beingoperatedwhena knobisturnedto theIite position.)
A properlyadjustedburnerwith clean ports will light within a few seconds. On natural
gas, theflame will be bluewith a deeper blue inner core. Thereshould be no trace of
yellowin theflame. A yellowflameindicatesan impropermixtureofair/gas. Thiswastes
fuel, sohavea servicemanadjustthemixtureifa yellowflameoccurs. On LPgas,some
yellowtipping is acceptable. This is normaland adjustment is not necessary.
Theinfinite surfacecontrols provideflexibility in heat setting selection. (See page 7,)
Incaseof prolongedpowerfailure, youcanmanuallylightthe surfaceburnerbyholding
alightedmatchneartheburnerportsandslowlyturningthe controlknobcounterclockwise
(after depressing)to the LJtesetting.
CAI,ITION: When lightingthesurface burner,besureall ofthe controlsare in the OFF
position. Strikethe matchfirst andhold it in positionbeforeturningthe knobto the Lite
Note: Becauseyouroverhead hoodfanis electricitwill notwork duringa power failure
so smokeand condensationcan gather.
TheLo setting shouldproducea stableflame _ _1SLzE
when turning the knob from Hi to Io. The CLOCKW,SE.IIIIA
flame shouldextendto the outer edge of the FLAMESIZE
lipoftheburnercaponthe Lo settingandmust
be stable on all ports on Lo setting.
To adjust" Operateburner on Hi for about 5 STEM , ,
minutes to preheat burner cap. Turn knob
back to Lo; removeknob, and insert a small
screwdriverintothe center of thevalve stem.
Adjustflamesize byturningadjustmentscrew
in eitherdirectionwhile holdingthevalvestem
Flamemustbe of sufficientsize tobe stable on all burnerports. If flame adjustmentis
needed,adjust ONLY on the Lo setting. Never adjustflame size on a higher setting.
Note: All gasadjustments shouldbe done bya qualified serviceronly.