To remove an odor, try one of the following:
1. Place baking soda in both sides of the deter- Your Jenn-Air dishwasher comes with reversible
gent dispenser, Select the Lightcycle and let panel inserts which are pre-assembled at the
the dishwasher runfor about 20 minutes, Stop factory This enables you to select the color you
the dishwasher by unlatching the door and let want beforeyour dishwasher isinstalled orchoose
stand overnight. Then, restart the dishwasher another color at a later date.
by latching the door and let it complete the
cycle. To Change Panels
2. Select the Light cycle and let the dishwasher
fill with water. Then open the door and pour Door Panel
1/4 cup of chlorine bleach into the bottom of 1. Remove three screws holding the side trim
the dishwasher. Latch the door and let the strip on one side of the door. Take note of how
dishwasher complete the cycle. Do not use the trim comes off.
detergent. 2. Grasping the lower part of the door panel(s),
bow panel(s) out carefully at the bottom while
Clean the control panel and front panel with a soft sliding panel(s) far enough to clear the flange
damp cloth and liquid spray cleaner. Do not use
on the trim strip which was not removed and
any abrasive powders or cleaning pads. remove panel(s).
3. Arrange panel so the desired color is facing
4. Place door panel(s) (notched side up) behind
CAUTION: To protect against rupture of fill valve, the metal trim at the bottom of the door. Bow
BE SURE the water lines leading to the dish- the panels so they fit behind the control panel
washer, are well protected against freezing, at the top.
5. Slide the panel(s) under the side metal trim
1. Run dishwasher through a cycle using deter- which was not removed. To do this, it will be
gent. If an odor remains, repeat using baking necessary to compress the backing behind
sodain the dispenser cup or adding 1/4cupof the colored panel(s).
chlorine bleach in the bottom of the tub. Clean 6. Reinstall the side trim which was removed
the bottom edge of the door and front lip of the earlier. Align the holes and replace the three
tub with a baking soda and water solution, screws.
2. Turn the water supply off and set the dish-
washer to drain (select Rinse & Hold cycle). Lower Panel - Most Models
Once Rinse & Hold is completed, open the 1. The lower access panel is held by four screws
door and return Timer to Off. (two above the panel and two below). With
3. Disconnect the electrical supply, these removed, the panel may be removed to
4. Place a pan under the drain outlet. Disconnect make it easy to change panel colors.
the flexible tubing from the pump and drain the 2. With the lower access panel removed, remove
water into pan by pushing down on drain arm the four screws along the bottom of panel and
lever. Reconnect hose and secure clamp, remove the trim which holds the panels. Once
5. Prop the door open. the desired panel is facing out, replace the
trim, and reinstall the panel to the dishwasher.
To restore service, turn on the electricity and
water supply. Select a wash cycle and let the
dishwasher complete the cycle. Check connec- Use care when changing panels to be certain you
tions to make sure they are water tight, are not injured on sharp edges and that the panels
are not damaged. If you have any questions
concerning changing panels or wish to purchase
a different color panel, contact your local Jenn-Air