............. i_iiiii
& 6 youwant bakingto startimmediately.
To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically
1. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roaat Pad.
Indicator Words BAKE or CONVECT BAKE or CONVECT ROAST will flash end
threedasheswillbe shownin the Display
2. TouchUp or Down Arrow Pad(s) untildesiredoventemperatureappearsinthe
Afterfour secondsthe ovenwill beginto preheat. The IndicatorWords ON and
BAKEorCONVECT BAKEorCONVECT ROASTwill appearinthe Display. The
temperatureshownwillbe 100°or the actualtemperatureofthe oven,whichever
is higher.
Example: Ifat 10 o'clockyousettheovenfor3500forconvectionbaking,afterfour
seoondstheDisplaywill show:
Duringthepreheat,the Displaywillshowa risein 5° incrementsuntilprogrammed
temperatureis reached.Whentheovenispreheated,theovenwillbeep once,the
ON indicatorword will go off, and the CONVECT BAKE Indicator Words and
programmedoventemperaturewillremainin the Display.
Important: WheneverON appearsinthe Display,the oven is heating.
3. Touch CookTime Pad.
indicatorWordsCOOK TIME willflesh and Displaywill show"OHR:00".
4. Touch Up Arrow Pad to entercookinghoursand minutes.
Hoursere toleftof colonand minutesto rightofcolon.
(Allowablerangeis f0 minutesto 1f hoursend 55 minutes.)
Example: If cookingtime selectedfor the oven is 2 hours and 30 minutes,the
After fourseconds,the time ofday returnsto the Display.