4. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad.
indicator Words BAKEor CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and Display
will show three dashes,
5. Touch the appropriate number pads for desired oven temperature.
Example: If at 10 o'clock you set the oven for a probe temperature and to
convection roast at 3250, after five seconds the Display will show:
When selectedtemperaturehas been reached,the ovenwill shut off and achime
will sound four times. Plus, the actual probetemperature will flash and the word
"End" will be in the Display, These words will remain in the Displayand a chime
will sound every minute forten minutes or until the Cancel Off Pad istouched. If
the probe is not removed, a beep will sound continuously until the probe is
Note: Once selected internal temperature has been reached, unplug the probe
from the oven and remove food immediately to prevent overcooking. Hold plug
with potholder when removing from the oven.
important: The probemust be unplugged and removedfrom ovenwhen it is not
beingused. If probe is left plugged in ovenand Probefeature is not programmed,
a beep will sound continuously and PROBEwill flash continuously,
TO use Probe feature to start at future time and shut off
l IMPORTANT:Bothestimatedcooktime and stop time must be set or oven will]
start immediately. Therefore,follow all nine steps.
1-5. Follow precedingsteps 1-5 on pages 22-23.
6. Touch Cook Time Pad.
Indicator Words COOK TiME wilt flash and Display will show "0 HR :00".
Note WW27430Owners: The appropriateletter(U-upperoven; L-loweroven) and
OVEN will also flash.
7. Touchthe appropriatenumberpads to entercookinghoursin5 minuteincrements.
Hours are to left of colonand minutesto right of colon.
(Allowable rangeis 5 minutes to 11 hours and 55 minutes.)
Example: If cooking time selectedfor the oven is 2 hours and 30 minutes, the
Display will show: