6. Turn the ControlSwitchto turn theunit ON, The ON ind}catorwillItlumlnstegreen_
Press and release the High or Low
button to startbrander,The button you Fig B
presswillilluminate gresn_The blender
will runcontinuouslyuntilyou press the
button again to turnttOFF°
Youcan also turn theblender OFF by
turning thecontrolswitch to OFE
The Ice Crushbutton Is thehighest and
strongest speed ofthe blender,
In the ice Crushspeed theblender will
stay on onlyas longas you keep
pressing thebutton. As soon asyou
stop pressing,the blenderwiltturn
OFF (Rg. 8).
7. Torun the blenderintermittentlyratherthancontinuously, turn the ControlSwitchto
PULSE. Whenthe blander is in PULSE mode, thePULSE Indicatorlightflashes
greenand the button youpressfor eitherHigh Low or ice Crushwillonly stay on
as longas youare pressingthebutton. As soonas you stop, the blender will
_ ARNING: Flashingtight indicates ready to operate. Do not touch
B To add food or fruit Io the jar whife the blender is running, remove the measuring cup
in the middle of the lid Add the food or fruit through the hole tn the middle of the lid
and then replace the measuring cup on lid
NEVER start LJpthe blender witheu! the lid in place+The speed of the blades will
lh_'ow contents high up in the jar and without the lid it could spillout
NOTE: Only operate blender In one speed at a time.