6 To lurn on the blender in continuous
mode, pleas one of the followin_ speed
bullons: Stir (slowest), Chop, Mix, Puree
or Liquefy (fastest)The button for the
speed you select will illuminate blue and
the blender's timer will start counting the
seconds the blender is in operation
The blender wlt_run conlinueusly after
you press lhe button and until yeu press
the same button again, or press the OFF
You can change blender speeds by
pressing a difterent button without tirst
pressing OFE The timer feature will
continue while you are blending and wtfl
pause in ils count when you re-push a speed button to shut Ihe blender elf The timer
will re-set ilselt to zero only if yeu press the OFF button
7 To run [heblender Intermittently (pulse mode) rather Ihan continuously, first press the
PULSE button The PULSE butlon light will flash blue Then press one of the five
speed buttons above il The speed button you press wilt illuminate b_ue.Then
press and hold down the PULSE button to run the blender at
that speed When you retease the button the blender wilt slop and lurn OFF
_ WARNING: Flashing light indicates to
ready operate.
Do not touch blades,
8 The Ice Crush button isthe htghesl and strongest blender speed The blender will
begin to operate at this speed as soon aa you press the butlon but will only con inue
le operate as long as you held the button down. While the bulton is pressed
it iltumina es blue As soon as you stop pressing lhe button, Ihe blender turns OFF
9 As a safely lecture, the limer on Ihe blender will shut the blender off when il reaches
5 minutes. It will then be in the OFF made with the b_ueOFF butLon illuminated
10 To add food or fruit to the jar while the blender is running remove the measuring cup
in the middle of the lid Add Ihe food or fruit through the ho_e inthe middle of the _id
and lhen replace Ihe measuring cup on lid NEVER start up the blender without the
lid in place The speed of the blades wiltthrow contents high up in the jar and
wtihout the Ild it could spill out.
NOTE: Only operate blender in one speed at a time,