OVIH !i)0011111
When coektng a food for the first time tn your new
oven, use time g!ven on reclpes as a gtdde,
Your new oven has been set correcly at the factory
and Is more apt to be accurate than the o_e_ it
After you have used your ov_n for awhile, if you feel
your oven should be holer or cooler, you can adjust
it yourself. See T_E_Oz3T,_,7,5.DJL_$T_,'_._NTS
In this manual.
• Always fofow recipe cat'efuly.
• Measure Ingredients properly.
Use proper pan placement,
Place pans on the oven racks with 1" to t 1/2" of air
space on all sides of each pan. Avoid overcrowding
the oven.
Pans too close to each other, to oven walls or to the
oven bottom block the free movement of air. Im-
proper air movement causes uneven browning and
o Cakes, cookies, muffins, and quick breads shou!d
be baked In shiny pans -- to reflect the heat --
because they should have a light golden crust.
Yeast breads and pin crusts should be baked in
glass or dull (non-shiny) pans --to absorb the heat
because they should have a brown, crisp cnJst.
Be su_'e the ut_derside of the pan is shiny, too,.
Darkened undersides will absorb the heat and may
cause over-browning on the bottom of your food.
2 cake layers
4 cake layers
When baking several items stagger pans so that no
pan is directly abo,_e another.
Let lhe oven p_eheat Ihoroughiy before coo_ing
baked products. Listen for preheat notitication tone
and put the food in the oven.
Opening the door too o!en to check iood duri)_
baking will attow heat toss and may cause poor
baking results,
Oven temperatures should be reduced 25 degrees
below recommended temperatures If exterio r of pan
Is predarkened, darkened by age or oven proof
There may be some ode rwhen the oven is first used.
This is caused by the heating of new parts and
Do not cover an entire oven rack with foil. The foil
can block normal heat flow and cause poor baking
results, Do NOtplace any foil directly above the bake
element. Foil used on the oven bottom under the
etement may damage the oven surface; therefore, it
should not be used°
Cookies should be baked on flat cookie sheets
without sides to allow the air to circulate properI?
When recipes require preheating, have food near_)
befor_ you open the oven door. II tl_eoven doo.J L
ai),:,wed to remain open for more lhan a brief tir¢_,._
t!_e preh£._t temperature will be losl
_.,& NEOVC03-2