Kenmore 596.53462300 Refrigerator User Manual

ice makeris not
producing ice
Ice makerarm is not incorrectposition
Householdwatersupplyis not reaching
Copper or plastictubing has kinks
Water pressure is too low
Check freezertemperature
icebin is not installedproperly
improperwatervalvewas installed
Confirm icemaker arm isdown See Freezer Features .........
sect!0nin your owner's manual fordetails
Check waterconnectionprocedure writtenin Installing Your
Turnoff water suppiy and remove kinks ttkinks cannot be
Water pressuremustbe between 20 to100 poundspersquare
inchtofunctionproperly A minimumpressureof 35pounds per
squareinchis recommendedfor refrigeratorswithwaterfilters
Seetemperature controls section in Installing Your
Refrigeratorto adjust your controls. Freezermust be
between0 to 2+F (-18 to-17° C) !oproduceice.
See ice bin sectionfor proper installation andalignment.
Checkwater connectionprocedure in yourInstallation
Instructions Self*piercingand _'m"saddle valvescauselow
waterpressureand may clog the line overtime The
manufacturer is nat responsiblefor property damage due
Waterfiller needsto be replaced
Filterindicatorsensor needsto be reset.
Plastictubingwas usedto completewater
......................... toimproper installation or water connection,
Waterfilter indicatorlight If fiiter isnot available,replace withbypass filter See
is red DispenserFeaturessection for directions.
See DispenserFeatures sectionfor directions.
Refrigeratoris leaking The manufacturerrecommendsusing coppertubingfor
water installation.Plasticis less durable and can causeleakage
The manufacturer is not responsible for property damage .!mproper installation or water connection. .......................
improperwatervalvewas +nstafled Check waterconnectionprocedurein yourInstallation
Instructions Self-piercingand _,_"saddlevalvescause low
water pressureand may dog the lineovertime The
manufacturer is not responsiblefor property damage due
to improper installationor water connection.
Waterpressureis low. Water pressuremustbe between 20 to 100 pounds per
Allow approximately12 hoursfor water in holdingtank to chili
Discard firstglass ofwaier and refill
ice forms in inlettube
to ice maker
Water flow is slower
than normal
Freezertemperatureistoo high,
Water pressureistoo low
improperwatervalve wasinstalled
Copperor plastictubinghaskinks.
Waterfitteris cloggedor needs to be
Befrigera!or hasbeenrecent!Yinsta!led, _
Water supplyin holding tank has been
Water has settledinto water linesoutside
holdingtankand has warmedto room
temperature. .........
Dispenserwater isnot
squareinchto functionproperly A minimumpressure of35
poundsper square inch isrecommendedforrefrigeratorswith
See temperaturecontrolssection in installing Your
Refrigeratorto adjustyour controls. Freezermust be
between 0to 2° F (-18 to-17". C) to produceice+
Water pressuremust be between20 to 100 pounds per
square inchtofunction properly.A minimum pressureof 35
poundsper squareinchis recommendedforrefrigeratorswith
Check waterconnectionprocedureinyour installation
Instructions. Self-piercing and_A_"saddle valvescauselow
water pressureand may clog the line over time The
manufactureris not responsiblefor propertydamagedue!mproper..!nsta!!ation or water connection...
Turnoff watersupply and remove kinks ifkinks cannot be
removed,re lace tubin.