Gas Pipe and Electric Outlet Locations
for Models Equipped with Standard
Twin Burners
This area allows
for flush range
installation with
wall connection
of pipe
valve and rear
wall 120V outlet,
30_ connection
_'==_ from hard pipe
7 stub Iocation
to range
This area allows
for flush range
installation with
connection of pipe
stub!shut-off valve.
Flexible Connector Hookup for Models
Equipped with Sealed Burners
Installer: Inform
the consumer of
the location of the
I.gas shut-off valve
Rigid Pipe Hookup Options for Models
Equipped with Sealed Burners
45° Elbow ._
__'Pressure I_ Union
regulator ' _ "_'_-"" "
Installer: Inform the
consumer of the
location of the gas
[ shut-off va ve
..,_.-- Nipple
shut-off --_1 ;1_
v ive
t,,__,...,.._ 1!2"or 3/4"
Alternate Hookup Gas pipe
_ Adapter
90° Elbow -.'''_" _)_..f_... g0° Elbow
'% "1 Nipple
Nipple--'! I _/Quick connect
I_ / or union -
_ _ vressure
Gas _ {_:}" Nipple regulator
shut-off _ [L_ _ / 90"
valve A _ _ Elbow _,
1/2" or 3/4" / 90° Elbow "_'-_
Gas pipe Adapter..,,1p"
installer: Inform the I
consumer of the location
I of the gas shut-off va!.v.e.:..I
Flexible Connector and Rigid Pipe Hookup
for Models Equipped with Standard Twi_
I Flexible ] Rigid Pipe 1
Pressure _Connector i Hookup i
Regulator _"OOalpter_k_P_ Nipple Unio-_n r_oF_ Elbow
/ F,ox Connector '
I 6It (18 m) max- ULJJ Union _!_ Gas
Manifold Pipe _ Gas _ _t
I _LT"_<--Shut-off I_1_
Installer: Inform the I _ ,:t_"Ill Valve _lll
consumer oI the location I _ _ ½" or %" I_l
ol the gas shul-off valve _ Gas Pipe _ 1-,_1
• If the AntFTip device supplied with the range does not fit
this application, use the universal Anti-Tip device
WB02X7909, (continued next page)