Master ProtectionAgreements
Congratulations on making a smartpurchase.
Your new Kenmore®product is designed and
manufactured for years of dependable operation.
But like all products, it may require preventive
maintenanceor repairfrom time totime.
That's when having a MasterProtection Agreement can
save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now and
protect yourself from unexpected hassle
and expense.
The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the
lifeof your new product. Here's
what's included in the Agreement:
5( Expert service by our 12,000 professional repair
5( Unlimited service and no chargefor parts and
labor on all covered repairs
5( "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your
covered product if four or more product failures
occur within twelve months
5( Product replacement ifyour covered product can't
be fixed
5( Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your
request - no extra charge
5( Fast help by phone - phone support from a Sears
technician on products requiring in-home repair, plus
convenient repair scheduling
5( Power surge protection against electrical damage
due to bower fluctuations
5( Rental reimbursement ifrepair of your covered
product takes longer than promised
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call
is all that it takes foryou to schedule service.
You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service
appointment online.
Sears has over 12,000 professional repair specialists,
who have access to over 4.5 million quality parts and
accessories. That's the kind of professionalism you can
count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase
for years to come. Purchase your Master Protection
Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. Forprices
and additional information call 1-800-827-6655.
Sears Installation Service
ForSears professiona/ installation of homeappliances,
garage door openers, water heaters, and other major
home items,inthe U.S.A. call
AcuerdosMaestrosde proteccibn
Felicitacionespor haberhechounacomprainteligente
Su nuevoproductoKenmore®est_disefiadoyfabricado
paraafios de operaci6nsegura.
Perocomotodo producto,puedenecesitarmantenimiento
preventivoo reparacionescada ciertotiempo.Esalli
cuandoel tenerun AcuerdoMaestrode protecci6nle puede
ahorrardinerooevitar quela falla empeore.
Adquieraun AcuerdoMaestrode pmtecci6nahorey
resgu&rdesedecualquiermolestiao gastosinesperados.
El Contratode Protecci6nMaestroayudatambi_nextender
]avidade sunuevoproducto. Estasson losaspectos
inclu[dosenel Contrato:
5( Servicioexperto,Ilevadoa caboporcualquierade
5( Servicioilimitado y sin cargoalguno, potlas piezaso
per el trabajoen toda]asreparacionescubiertaspot el
5( Garantia de "No-Lemon" - cambiode su producto
cubiertosiocurrem&sde cuatroo masfallasal
productodentrode doce primerosmeses.
5( Reemplazodel producto si su esteaseguradono
5( Control anual de mantenimiento preventivo a pedido
5( Ayuda r_pida via tel6fonico - Soportetelef6nicode un
t6cnicode Searssobre losproductosque so requiere
de reparaciSnen casa,m&sla programaci6n
convenientede servicio.
5( Proteccibncontrasobrecargael_ctrica,por dafios
5( Reembolsode alquiler si la reparaci6ndel producto
aseguradotoma m_stiempode Ioprometido.
Unavezque ha compradoel Acuerdo,una simpleIlamada
telef6nicaestodo Ioque letomar_paraagendarun
servicio.PuedeIlamara cualquierheradel dfa o de la
nocheo hacerun compromisede atenci6nportel_fono.
Searstienem_s de 12,000profesionalesespecialistasen
reparacionesque tienenaccesoa m&sdo 4.5millonesde
piezasdo calidady accesorios.Esa esla clasede
profesionalismoconla que puedeustedcontar paraayudar
a prolongarla vidado su nuevaadquisici6nen losariespor
venir, iSuscribayaun AcuerdoMaestrodo protecci6nt
Seaplicanalgunaslimitaciones y exclusiones.Por
preciose informaci6nadicionalIlameal 1-800-827-6655.
Servicio de instalacibn Sears
Parala instalaci6nprofesionalde Sears de losaparatosdel
hogar,dispositivosdeaperturade la puertadel garaje,
calentadoresdoagua,y otrositemsprincipalesdel hogar,
Ilameonlos EstadosUnidosa 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.